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Extend Tailwind colours with CSS custom properties.

My new favourite way to theme a site using Tailwind ideology.

Custom properties are also known as CSS variables. But the spec calls them custom properties so that's what I will call them in the rest of this post.


There are many ways to customise colors on a website, in the same way there are many ways to build the same layout for a website in multiple ways.

Making themes for a site, or skins that you can apply is not a new concept. But reaching back all the way to TW 1.0 I always found colour systems or building themes with it somewhat counter productive. So when I was re-designing my site I using TW 3, I wanted to explore the best way to make it possible to write better themes.


If you check the Tailwind CSS docs there are many 'right' ways to do things, and I would agree on most of them. Adam Wathan has written a lot of CSS in his time so I take his opinion and try them in practice, and usually find them to be informed and useful, so I bring them into my workflow.

I wont pretend to have invented this method of theming, it's directly from the Tailwind docs. But I have put it into practice so I wanted to write about my specific use-case and a few thoughts about it.

My Implementation

Here is a quick tl;dr example I knocked up on Tailwind Play:

Note that in real world you would not set the theme using this checkbox :checked and ~ div sibling method but this is just to make it easy to switch between the 2 example themes in the playground.


  • Extend the Tailwind colour palette and let it know that the colors are from css variables
  • Set our base custom properties in the :root definition of our css file.
  • Override them on a per-theme basis by adding a class to the body (or html depending on your cascase or how you write other CSS)

Define the palette

In tailwind.config.js define the color palette by extending theme.colors:

  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        theme: {
        bg: 'var(--bg)',
        text: 'var(--text)',
        accent: 'var(--accent)',

Set default values

in our CSS file set the default values for each custom property in the :root element:

:root {
  --bg: #8ECAE6;
  --text: #1e3a8a;
  --accent: #ef233c;

This will be the default colours and is a good way to do this even if you don't have a second theme just yet.

Override them with a custom class

.theme-inverted {
  --bg: #1e3a8a;
  --text: #ffffff;
  --accent: #fb8500;

Even make Dark mode easily

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --bg: #1e3a8a;
    --text: #eef2ff;


So I really like this way of handling custom themes, and how it integrates with Tailwind. I did wonder about:

  • What the best name for the colour paletter would be?
  • what are the advantages / disadvantages of using this method rather than just extending palette by referencing an existing colour (eg blue-900) directly.

Palette Keyword Naming

  • I initially thought the theme keyword as the name for the color palette would cause some issues but then I used it, and it works fine.


  • An added advantage I discovered is that if you have an inverted section you no longer need to make a new block of markup with darker versions of colors. You can just apply the theme-invert class to the div and css custom properties do the rest.


  • So far I did not experiment with RGB values in order to use opacity modifier as per the TW Docs. This may be an issue later on if I want to use bg-theme-text/50, but so far not encountered the need for this.